Hexed By Nikolas
Terms and Conditions
Welcome to my Website HexedByNikolas.com
This website hosts my:
Professional Makeup & Hair Artistry, and Licensed Cosmetologist Portfolio
All images belong to me and were either created by me or given permission to use freely from collaboration with companies and clients.​
Images may be used to promote my work to potential clients as long as I’m referenced or “tagged” on social media and other websites or print.
images may not be used (unless granted permission from me) for free or paid advertising to endorse a product, company, or person I did not agree to.
Images may not be used in other artists portfolios as their own.
Affiliate Shop Links
clickable links with imbedded code when clicked sends user to an e-commerce shop. If you choose to purchase the item through my link, I get a commission from the shop.​
All purchasing, shipping, and returns are handled through the respective shops In the links.
Hexedbynikolas.com does not handle monetary transactions at this time.
Several pages may contain placed advertisement from 3rd party company
When viewed or clicked I get a commission from the advertiser.
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